Harga: 1.900 SimPoints

The Deliciously Indulgent Bakery has all of the items you need to build a sweet little corner shop for all of your Sims goodies!

Total items included: 17 items

Premium Content Included:
1.      Baker's Station [OVEN]
Good things come to those who bake. Indulge your sweet tooth with an exciting array of delicious, new baking recipes!

Make a wide variety of different pies, cakes, breads, deep dish cobblers and cupcakes!

Kau dapat membuat variasi pie, kue, roti, cobbler, dan cupcake yang berbeda!

2.      Baker's Bazaar Collection
Want to sell the food your Sims make? Then the Baker’s Bazaar Collection is for you! Not only does it keep your food refrigerated, but you can creatively display it, set sales and even hire a cashier!

1.      Sell any food your Sim can make!
2.      Keeps your food refrigerated while it’s on display!
3.      Set sales, the mark-up or hire a cashier.
4.      Have your Sims browse or purchase any of the food exhibit!

1.      Jual semua makanan yang Sim-mu buat!
2.      Menjaga makananmu tetap beku selagi dipamerkan!
3.      Atur penjualan, kenaikan harga atau sewa seorang kasir
4.      Sim-mu bisa melihat-lihat atau membeli makanan apa pun!